The 10th edition of m8:Life magazine is here, and we’re excited to share the collaborative efforts of the Aspire and motive8 teams to pull together the latest issue. The headline story for this issue focuses on one of motive8’s latest projects which reached completion earlier this year – Supersonic in York.
Supersonic is a new fitness and wellbeing concept, designed to put a holistic twist on traditional city centre fitness facilities. The extended feature focuses on what Supersonic is all about and why it’s so different to your average local gym.
Also featured in the new magazine, is an exclusive interview with Luke Tyburski – endurance athlete and ex-pro Australian footballer. We interviewed Luke about his training and workout plans, and what the transition from pro-athlete to ultra-runner was like.
And as per usual, m8:Life is jam packed full of case studies, nutritional nuggets, healthy recipes plus wellbeing and workout tips – everything you’ll need to keep you motivated through the Summer months!
The m8 and Aspire teams have worked hard to bring about the best issue yet. To view a digital copy of the magazine, head over to motive8’s ISSUU feed.
Happy reading!