Career background & highlights… 

My previous role was for a boutique Luxury Travel and Lifestyle PR Agency. A highlight of working in the travel industry is definitely the opportunity to travel on the job. Being given the opportunity to travel to some amazing places for work and hosting press trips to places I may not have had the opportunity to go to was such a privilege!

Alongside my role at the Travel PR agency, I started my own business (a passion project born out of lockdown that escalated). Starting with a fruit bowl that I made out of concrete, it snowballed into concrete soap dishes, concrete candles, concrete planters and all things concrete homeware. Running a small business taught me invaluable lessons about PR and marketing. It also opened my eyes and admiration to all business owners out there, big and small!

Role at Aspire…

I’m an Account Manager and work closely with Becky on some of the marketing accounts including motive8, St George’s Hill Lawn Tennis Club, and Aspire.

How far removed is your childhood dream from what you are doing today?

From a young age I really wanted to be a journalist, so not very far removed at all. My intrigue in journalism lead me to read English Literature and Media at University. Growing up, family friends always said they could see me in PR and marketing. At the time I didn’t really know what that meant, but it seems they were right! My various other childhood dreams weren’t quite so on the money, ranging from actress, to WAG.. 

Best adventure? 

I am lucky enough to have lived abroad twice, and travelled lots of the world. My best adventure was probably living in Hong Kong for three years, exploring the wildly dynamic and special place. The ‘concrete jungle’ has so much more to offer than just skyscrapers. You can go from having lunch in the hustle and bustle of the city, to hiking the surrounding mountains within moments. From islands, sandy beaches and junk boats, to street food, markets and rooftop bars, Hong Kong was an adventure from start to finish!

Adventure you most desire?

I am desperate to visit Japan. My desperation has only spiked since seeing how lovely the Japanese football team and supporters were in the World Cup. The players left their locker rooms immaculate, while their fans litter picked after the game. They put us and the rest of the world to shame! Aside from their cleanliness, it’s the one place that seems incomparable to anywhere else that I have been and I would love to experience their culture. 

Someone you really admire?

So many people but if I had to choose one it would be my mum..

What kept you going during lockdown? 

There was a real sense of comradery in lock-down, like we were all in this together. Clapping for our carers and the 6pm announcements seems like such a distant memory now. But on an individual level, aside from the inevitable increased intake of wine, (which helped) mostly it was the quality time we gained to do all the little things with loved ones that would normally get pushed to the back of the queue, when life would more often than not get in the way. There was lots of banana bread, at-home-workouts and social distanced walks. It made me appreciate the smaller things in life and as none of us knew how long it would go on for, it was very much a case of taking one day at a time!

Something the team doesn’t know about me but they do now?    

That I went to university for a year exchange in LA, and also lived in Hong Kong for 3 years after I graduated.

What’s recently grabbed your attention?

The World Cup, but for more reasons than just the fact England are still in it! 

What do you love about this industry?

I have always been passionate about the fitness industry. At school I loved playing for the sports teams and this has developed over the years from running and swimming, through to strength training and boxing. The common theme, and what I love most, is the like-mindedness and ability to build relationships and make genuine friends through a shared love of movement. I feel this is definitely true of now working within the industry too.

Outside of work Joanna enjoys

Spending lots of time with family and friends. Sunday roast round the table at my parents with whoever is around is a weekly ritual, and having a catchup over coffee or wine with friends is my favourite thing to do. Aside from this, I love to get my movement in. A dog walk and a gym class is part of my daily routine!

Joanna Alden Account Manager

Mobile: +44 (0)79325 69991